Friday, September 10, 2010

Plans and Personal Goals by the end of the year 2010

Recently I was just thinking through about what do I really want to achieve by the end of this year. In these recent weeks, God has been reviving my past dreams and visions that I thought might have died months or years back and I believe that it's time to chase back those dreams. More than just dreams, there are also just some personal goals that I wish to achieve, especially in my work, so that in the near future, I can have the financial freedom and time to go after the dreams of my life.

Let's start with my personal goals. I started my work in July 2010 and by right, I have a year (until end of June 2011) to clear certain quotas. My aim is to clear that certain quotas by end of Feb 2011. I know that it can be done because the battle is in the mind. Regardless of how people think of me, maybe inexperience? maybe arrogant of my personal goals? maybe incapable of achieving what I set out to do? Those thoughts from others i have come to realise that it's inevitable. I can't tell others of what opinion they should have on me, neither I will try to prove myself to them that I can make it. But one thing I can do, which is, to enjoy what I am doing and to do the best that I can to serve those people who allow me to. :)

'Focus' is the word that I am going to use often to keep my goals on track. It's a simple 5-letter word but it carries a powerful definition behind it. Once you grasp on its spirit and live it out, it will change the course of your life, every area. Let me just give you the meaning from

Focus: 1) To concentrate
           2) To bring to a focus, or into focus

Basically, it just mean zooming in and putting whatever resources that you have into the things that you want to see it coming to pass.

More than just work, I want to stir myself up to a greater purpose, that is to know God more intimately. It's time to put words into action (for my closer friends, they might know what this mean). I am praying for greater miracles and I believe that God will provide! He has been faithful to me and He will continue to show Himself faithful. Definitely, I want to maintain and keep up a lifestyle of reading the Word and praying. More than just daily quiet time, sometimes it's hard to maintain but I know I must put in extra effort so that I can just be closer to Him, I wish to spend a little more time praying with my closer friends through phone and meet up weekly or fortnightly. I realise that these are the little activities that doesn't require much effort, but will keep each other going and basically it's another way of forging brotherhood and matured friendship. Another goal of mine is to spend at least 5 hours weekly on reading books. Knowledge is power.

Last but not least, I want to engage myself more in music, secular and christian music. Music is something that is instilled and became part of me years back and I know that music, especially christian music, is an instrument that God uses to impact and change the lives of the people. So if that's the case, I want to be a part of it, to grow together with a group of revivalist, to see God's dream fulfilled through us in years to come. Even if just only one person was impacted by the music we play, it would have been worth it because we are just serving our Lord as much as we know how. :) I love you my band and I know we can make a difference one day as long as the dreams in our hearts doesn't burn out. Just as we want to change lives one at a time, we will climb up the anointing ladder one step at a time.

City Harvest Church, N499

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